October 24, 2010

More on displays...

Last time I left off I was starting to work on my mobile idea. I originally thought wire would be the best way to construct the mobile. After several iterations I realized wire was NOT going to work lol. It wasn't a medium I thought I could master in 2 weeks. Sadly, here's what I produced...

cascading mobile

So after experimenting with wire I had to figure out another medium to use. I tried using pipe cleaners, paper, and chip board...

pipe cleaners, I wanted it to mimic the image below but it wasn't quite right so I decided not to go this route

card stock

Chip board with 3 tiers and levels

Ok so I thought the chip board route would be the best direction to go but I was still pretty uninspired by this. I started to think about my audience and what I wanted to achieve in this project. I want to express my audience's creative side and I wanted to stretch my creativity as well. So i started thinking about the bird motif and what part of the bird's habitat could I use to create a mobile. I was in class and thought of some chandeliers I saw made of tree branches

I thought this would be the artsy vibe I needed to capture my target audience and it went along with my bird motif.

I used a thin yarn to join the center together

I really liked how this was turning out. I liked that I didn't really have control of how it was ultimately going to turn out. I was at the mercy of the branches! I liked the rustic look the branches were providing but I wanted to experiment with what I could do with them

One option is to wrap the branches with yarn to accent the crafty vibe

Another option is to paint the branches. Here it is painted silver I thought this would change the vibe making it more industrial and potentially more modern but my concept originally had a retro vibe. I am unsure if I want to stray from that.

Our class did a group crit and from that I got some really helpful feedback. One classmate said my piece reminded her of the type of displays they do at Anthropologie so I googled some images to get a sense of it....

She was so right! This is exactly the artsy, crafty, bohemian chic look I was going for! My target audience is still a craft shopper but I think I am now focusing on the young, hip demographic in that category. In the next few days I have to resolve how to: join all of the branches; dress the branches (yarn, paint, or leave as is?); scale of my stencil; branding; hang and balance of the mobile; and attaching the stencil to the mobile. More models! Yay!


catherine said...

wow...awesome post. so much thought, work, creativity, inspiration...great improvement and i love the exploration into every aspect of this project, kamisha. i feel as though you...might... i dare say this?....be enjoying this process?! scrolling down, i didn't want it to end...bravo!!!

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