October 19, 2010

Dumbarton Oaks Trip

On a near perfect afternoon I took a trip with some classmates to see the Patrick Doughtery exhibit at Dumbarton Oaks Garden. It was a GORGEOUS place! Its unreal to think it is nestled in the heart of the city. When you're inside you can't hear cars- all you hear are birds and insects chirping. It would be a great wedding/date spot as well for anyone. I was inspired by the outdoor spaces they have created- I would want this type of landscape architecture in my own home one day. I was happy Prof. Lechinsky suggested we stop by there. Here are some of my favorite shots...


interesting wood table

1st view of Doughtery exhibit. The trees remind me of the haunted forest in the Wizard of Oz. They  are all interconnected and look like they have been blown through a wind tunnel. Its pretty amazing to be inside of it and try to figure out how he accomplished connecting all of the structures. I didn't see any twine holding things together but I really would like to know how he does it. I'm also pumped about Doughtery because he's from my home state (North Carolina) and the town I spent the best four years of my life in, Chapel Hill (GO HEELS!!!!). I also took video of when you first walk into  the exhibit but it refused to load on my blog :/

See how it looks wind blown

close up of the branches and how they are intertwined

I tried to show with this one how each structure was connected from above. It was one big circle

This tree was was an anomally to me. It seemed almost human with its scales and the wrinkles and ridges in it reminded me of tendons in muscles. 

This looked like an elbow or knee to me


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