November 20, 2011

Furniture Design: Week 11/13/11

This week I conquered the miter saw!!!! It took about two weeks of finagling with the table saw and fence but I was able to get the angle near perfect! I cut my wood down to finished length, mitered one side and used a stop block to miter the other side. Below is the cut wood taped up to do a quick mock up. This week I will use the domino cutter to complete the joinery and glue everything up.

the 2 complete pieces

side view, isn't it cute!!

It looks like such simple construction but it took so many days of labor!

That seam is gorgeous!


I have also decided that I no longer want the table to be stationary. I would for it to swivel and Jonah suggested instead of using a pin, add a grove to the top of the bottom box that way it has a track to swivel upon. I will start that after the holidays.


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